

When we are in good health it is said that healing energy is flowing through our bodies and auras and the energy of our soul is flowing through our minds and feelings via our seven chakras.

Life is essentially an energy experience as we spend much of our time in the non-physical worlds of emotions, feelings, and thoughts.  We are constantly transformed by our energies as our thoughts create our emotions and our emotions create our actions and behaviours. Our soul is both individual and part of a 'oneness'. Our soul is the expression of divine life and is governed by purpose and influenced by love.  It is what determines our experiences and it attracts to itself the experiences it requires to fulfil its purpose. Dis-ease occurs when there is excess, inhibition, or blockages in the flow of our soul's energy in our mental and emotional bodies and into or out of the seven chakras.

As an esoteric soul healer, I aim to encourage your soul expression in you. I work directly with the energy field and consciousness as well as the physical effects of disease. I create an energy field that enables you to come into resonance with the energy of your soul which can then bring about healing. When the healing occurs there is a realignment of energy that takes place that can be felt either during the healing or in the following days.

A healing session can last between 35-60 minutes. There are two types of healing that can take place, magnetic (hands-on) and radiatory (hands-off). There is also sound that can be brought into the healing space which is either a voice or an instrument such as Tibetan singing bowls. During each session, I will provide a safe space where you can deeply relax and allow yourself to be fully nurtured and supported. Before your arrival, I would have cleansed the space where the healing will take place. You may feel nothing during the time of the healing or you may feel sensations of moving energy, deep relaxation, feelings of being supported or visions of images and colours. You might experience an emotional release such as tears or you may develop an insight into a specific area in your life.

You may have a concern about the safety of soul healing but please know that it is safe and as a soul healing practitioner I am unable to do any harm. There are many benefits to soul healing which are listed below:

  • Identifying and healing emotional wounds from past experiences

  • Breaking negative patterns and traumas to create a healthier life dynamic

  • Increased self-awareness and understanding of emotions

  • Connecting with one’s spiritual side and gaining a better understanding of life’s purpose

  • A holistic approach to address emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of life for lasting healing and balance

  • Clearing and healing energetic blockages

  • Releasing karmic ties that have served their purpose

  • Integrating spiritual blessings and gifts to aid you on your journey

While the concept of the soul carrying memories and traumas from past experiences may not be fully understood by science, there is growing research on the benefits of holistic healing modalities, including Soul Healing. Studies have shown that these modalities can positively impact physical and emotional health.

Healing & Therapy

As an esoteric Soul Healer, I will work with you to address spiritual, emotional, and energetic imbalances to promote healing and well-being on a deeper level. This form of healing operates on the belief that our soul can manifest as physical, emotional and spiritual ailments. When we are in good health healing energy naturally flows out through our bodies and auras, whether we are conscious of it or not. Whenever we touch a loved one, give a hug, stroke a pet, laugh or sing, energy moves outwards from our centres into the world. We are all energetic beings. This healing, like reiki, is a form of ‘hands-on’ healing.

Inner Vitality

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