“If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath”.

Treatment Options

Reiki is an ancient and profoundly simple system of ‘laying on of hands’ energy healing.

During a 60-minute Reiki session, you enter a serene space enveloped in tranquillity. Healing energy is focused on balance by clearing blockages. You may experience sensations of warmth and a sense of peace may arise, leading to a meditative state. As the session progresses, worries may dissipate and clarity emerges. Insights are shared, aiding your healing journey. You’ll leave feeling grounded and revitalised, with lasting effects promoting well-being and mental alignment.

Your Reiki session incorporates some sound healing.

During your one-hour coaching session, we cover your physical and emotional changes, symptoms, guidance for managing symptoms, hormonal shifts awareness, self-care importance, nutrition, exercise, stress management guidance, and addressing individual concerns. 

In peri & menopause coaching sessions you are working to reduce stress, improve emotional regulation, and enhance overall well-being. We’re looking to alleviate symptoms like anxiety, mood swings, and sleep disturbances, fostering a sense of calm and resilience during this transitional phase.

Sound healing is an ancient practice that employs the vibration of musical instruments as well as the human voice to evoke healing and well-being in the body, mind and spirit.  

Everything in the natural world is made of sound and vibration. In fact, our bodies are 70% water, and are ideal conductors for transformative sound experiences.  

Soul Healing

Soul healing is an energy healing system that may be similar to Medical Qi Gong, Reiki, or Healing Touch, with one major difference. Soul healing is healing at the Soul level that goes even beyond energetic or physical healing. Click the button to find out more about the services I can offer you.


Reiki level 2  – The Reiki Association & IPHM (International Practitioners of Holistic medicine).

Advanced Sound Healing Diploma CAM registered Complementary medical association & CPD Certification service.

Certified Jay Shetty Life and Success coach – Association for Coaching & OTHM qualifications

All frequencies carry information’

— Dr Joe Dispenza


Reiki, also known as energy healing, is an alternative therapy that originated in Japan in the late 1800s. It is a form of ‘hands on’ healing, whereby I channel universal energy though my hands onto your body and your surrounding aura. This may sound strange if you’re not used to energy work but it is very relaxing and can help to shift your vibration so you can become an energetic match for the things you wish to bring into your life.

Sound Healing

Sound healing is a therapeutic practice that uses sound vibrations to promote healing and well-being in your body, mind & spirit. It is based on the belief that certain frequencies and tones can have a profound impact on your body, influencing physiological processes, emotions and consciousness. It can help to release the tensions of day-to-day life and opens the door to enhanced intuition, improves immunity and reduces stress.


Mindfulness coaching is a form of life coaching that combines the principles and practices of mindfulness with coaching techniques to help you create a greater level of self-awareness, presence, and personal growth. My role is to guide you in developing mindfulness skills and incorporating them into various aspects of your life, such as your relationships, work, health, and well-being. Overall, I will support you to feel empowered so you can live more consciously, authentically, and intentionally, whilst fostering a deeper sense of fulfilment and meaning into your life.

Soul Healing

Soul Healing is a holistic therapy that addresses the spiritual and emotional aspects of well-being, recognising the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit. Methods include energy healing, meditation, sound therapy, and integrative counselling. The benefits of soul healing are manifold: it promotes emotional well-being by releasing blockages and traumas, enhances self-awareness and spiritual growth, and fosters inner peace. Additionally, it can improve physical health by reducing stress-related symptoms and enhancing overall wellness. Soul healing is ideal for those seeking comprehensive well-being, personal growth, and a deeper understanding of themselves and their life's purpose. It can also complement conventional medical treatments, providing a more holistic approach to health and healing.

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